1 week = U$250.ºº per week The cost includes 20 hours of private lessons, materials, afternoon activities with home stay with three meals every day, except on Sundays.
1 week = U$140.ºº per week. The cost includes 20 hours of private lessons and materials.
1 week + activities = U$170.ºº
1 week + home stay =U$230.ºº
1 week = U$120.ºº This program includes 15 hours of lessons doing three hours per day and materials.
1 week + activities = U$150.ºº
1 week + home stay =U$220.ºº
1 hour =U$10.ºº (At the school or via Skype) This include only excercises to practice in class and home work. With 10 hours of tutoring is possible include the grammar book.